Prevention of falls and improvement of quality of life in elderly populations (in Italian)balance, freeMed, elderly care, falls, risk assessment   a brief overview of the findings from …Prevention of falls and improvement of quality of life in elderly populations (in Italian)2023/09/18, Download
Postural Stability and Subsequent Sports Injuries during Indoor Season of AthletesSports injury, Athletes, Postural stabilityPostural Stability and Subsequent Sports Injuries during Indoor Season of Athletes2023/09/18Download
Feet deformities and their close association with postural stability deficits in children aged 10–15 yearsPublic health, Feet deformities, Balance, Postural stability, ChildrenFeet deformities and their close association with postural stability deficits in children aged 10–15 years2023/09/18Download
A new road to improve vitamin D and balance through Taopatch® and proprioceptive protocol in Multiple Sclerosis patients Proprioceptive rehabilitation protocol; biochemical parameters; vitamin D; balance; nanotechnology- based device; handgrip test; Taopatch®A new road to improve vitamin D and balance through Taopatch® and proprioceptive protocol in Multiple Sclerosis patients2023/09/18Download
Acute Effects of Self-Correction on Spine Deviation and Balance in Adolescent Girls with Idiopathic Scoliosisadolescent girls with idiopathic scoliosis; self-correction movement; balance; postural control and spine movement scoliosis, spine …Acute Effects of Self-Correction on Spine Deviation and Balance in Adolescent Girls with Idiopathic Scoliosis2023/06/07Download
The effects of a calisthenics training intervention on posture, strength and body compositionCalisthenics Training Posture Improvement Strength Enhancement Body Composition Untrained Individuals Training Intervention Freemed BaropodometricThe effects of a calisthenics training intervention on posture, strength and body composition2023/06/02Download
Thermography and rasterstereography as a combined infrared method to assess the posture of healthy individualsKeywords: Noninvasive Postural Assessment Rasterstereography Thermography Spinal Alterations Gender Differences Thermal Muscle ResponseThermography and rasterstereography as a combined infrared method to assess the posture of healthy individuals2023/06/02Download
Visual-spatial training in patients with sub-acute stroke without neglect: a randomised, single blind controlled trialKey words: postural balance. stroke rehabilitation. vision disorders. Freemed. Baropodemetric.Visual-spatial training in patients with sub-acute stroke without neglect: a randomised, single blind controlled trial2023/06/02Download
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